
List of publications

Guidelines (updated) 

  • Martin Ginis KA, Van Der Scheer JW, Latimer-Cheung AE, et al. Evidence-based scientific exercise guidelines for adults with spinal cord injury: An update and a new guideline. Spinal Cord. 2018;56(4):308-321. doi:10.1038/s41393-017-0017-3
  • Goosey-Tolfrey VLvan der Scheer JWLexell J The International SCI Exercise Guidelines Project Group, et al Development of scientific exercise guidelines for adults with spinal cord injury
  • Van der Scheer JW, Martin Ginis KA, Ditor DS, et al. Effects of exercise on fitness and health of adults with spinal cord injury. Neurology. 2017;89(7):736 LP-745.

Guidelines (previous) 


  • Hicks AL, Martin Ginis KA, Pelletier CA, Ditor DS, Foulon B, Wolfe DL. The effects of exercise training on physical capacity, strength, body composition and functional performance among adults with spinal cord injury: a systematic review. Spinal Cord 2011; 49: 1103–1127.
  • Wolfe DL, Martin Ginis KA, Latimer AE, Foulon BL, Eng JJ, Hicks AL et al. Physical activity and SCI. In: Eng JJ, Teasell RW, Miller WC, Wolfe DL, Townson AF and Hsieh JTC et al. (eds). Spinal Cord Injury, 2010, Rehabilitation Evidence. Version 3.0.
  • van der Scheer JW, Martin Ginis KA, Ditor DS, et al. Effects of exercise on fitness and health of adults with spinal cord injury. Neurology. 2017;89(7):736 LP-745.
  • Tomasone JR, Wesch NN, Ginis KAM, Noreau L. Spinal Cord Injury, Physical Activity, and Quality of Life: A Systematic Review. Kinesiol Rev. 2013;2(2):113-129. doi:10.1123/krj.2.2.113
  • Martin Ginis KA, Jörgensen S, Stapleton J. Exercise and sport for persons with spinal cord injury. PM R. 2012;4(11):894-900. doi:10.1016/j.pmrj.2012.08.006

Activity Examples

  • Martin Ginis KA, Latimer AE, Arbour-Nicitopoulos KP, Buchholz AC, Bray SR, Craven C et al. Leisure-time physical activity in a population-based sample of people with spinal cord injury Part I: demographic and injury-related correlates. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2010; 91: 722–728.
  • Martin Ginis KA, Arbour-Nicitopoulos KP, Latimer AE, Buchholz AC, Bray SR, Craven C et al. Leisure-time physical activity in a population-based sample of people with spinal cord injury Part II: activity types, intensities, and durations. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2010; 91: 729–733.
  • Perrier M-J, Stork MJ, Martin Ginis KA, Group TS-SR. Type, intensity and duration of daily physical activities performed by adults with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord. 2016;55:64.
  • Perrier, M.J., Latimer‐Cheung, A.E., Martin Ginis, K.A., & The SHAPE‐SCI Research Team. (2012). An investigation of seasonal variation in leisure time physical activity in persons with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord, 50, 507‐511. doi:10.1038/sc.2012.1
  • Foulon BL, Lemay V, Ainsworth V, Martin Ginis KA. Enhancing the uptake of physical activity guidelines: a needs survey of adults with spinal cord injury and health care professionals. Adapt Phys Activ Q 2012; 29: 329–345.

Overcoming barriers

  • Fekete, Christine, and Alexandra Rauch. 2012. “Correlates and Determinants of Physical Activity in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury: A Review Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health as Reference Framework.” Disability and Health Journal 5 (3):140–50.
  • Williams, Toni Louise, Brett Smith, and Anthony Papathomas. 2014. “The Barriers, Benefits and Facilitators of Leisure Time Physical Activity among People with Spinal Cord Injury: A Meta-Synthesis of Qualitative Findings.” Health Psychology Review 8 (4):404–25.
  • Wolfe DL, Martin Ginis KA, Latimer AE, Foulon BL, Eng JJ, Hicks AL et al. Physical activity and SCI. In: Eng JJ, Teasell RW, Miller WC, Wolfe DL, Townson AF and Hsieh JTC et al. (eds). Spinal Cord Injury, 2010, Rehabilitation Evidence. Version 3.0.
  • Arbour-Nicitopoulos KP, Martin Ginis KA, Latimer AE. Turning intentions into action: Combined effects of action and coping planning on leisure-time physical activity and coping self-efficacy in persons living with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2009; 90: 2003–2011.
  • Latimer AE, Martin Ginis KA, Arbour KP. The efficacy of an implementation intention intervention on promoting physical activity among individuals with spinal cord injury: a randomized controlled trial. Rehabil Psychol 2006; 51: 273–280.
  • Hicks AL, Martin KA, Ditor DS, Latimer AE, Craven C, Bugaresti J et al. Long-term exercise training in persons with spinal cord injury: effects on strength, arm ergometry performance and psychological well-being. Spinal Cord 2003; 41: 34–43.
  • Scelza WM, Kalpakjian CZ, Zemper ED, Tate DG. Perceived barriers to exercise in people with spinal cord injury. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2005; 84: 576–583.
  • Martin Ginis KA, Papathomas A, Perrier M-J, Smith B. Psychosocial factors associated with physical activity in ambulatory and manual wheelchair users with spinal cord injury: a mixed-methods study. Disabil Rehabil. 2017;39(2):187-192. doi:10.3109/09638288.2015.1045991
  • Martin Ginis KA, Jörgensen S, Stapleton J. Exercise and sport for persons with spinal cord injury. PM R. 2012;4(11):894-900. doi:10.1016/j.pmrj.2012.08.006

Safety tips

  • Wolfe DL, Martin Ginis KA, Latimer AE, Foulon BL, Eng JJ, Hicks AL et al. Physical activity and SCI. In: Eng JJ, Teasell RW, Miller WC, Wolfe DL, Townson AF and Hsieh JTC et al. (eds). Spinal Cord Injury, 2010, Rehabilitation Evidence. Version 3.0.
  • Martin Ginis KA, Hicks AL, Latimer AE, Warburton DER, Bourne C, Ditor DS et al. The development of evidence-informed physical activity guidelines for adults with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 2011; 49: 1088–1096.
  • Foulon BL, Lemay V, Ainsworth V, Martin Ginis KA. Enhancing the uptake of physical activity guidelines: a needs survey of adults with spinal cord injury and health care professionals. Adapt Phys Activ Q 2012; 29: 329–345.

Other related systematic reviews: 

  • van der Scheer JW, Hutchinson M, Paulson T, Martin Ginis KA, Goosey-Tolfrey VL. Reliability and Validity of Subjective Measures of Aerobic Intensity in Adults With Spinal Cord Injury: A Systematic Review. PM&R , Volume 10 , Issue 2 , 194 – 207. doi:

Other related papers: 

Physical activity levels and physical activity predictors

  • Perrier M-J, Martin Ginis KA. A description and estimate of very low-intensity activity and inactive awake time in community-dwelling adults with chronic spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord. 2016;54:709. doi:
  • Rocchi M, Routhier F, Latimer-Cheung AE, Ginis KAM, Noreau L, Sweet SN. Are adults with spinal cord injury meeting the spinal cord injury-specific physical activity guidelines? A look at a sample from a Canadian province. Spinal Cord. 2017;55:454.
  • Ginis KAM, Arbour-Nicitopoulos KP, Latimer-Cheung AE, et al. Predictors of Leisure Time Physical Activity Among People with Spinal Cord Injury. Ann Behav Med. 2012;44(1):104-118. doi:10.1007/s12160-012-9370-9
  • Sweet SN, Martin Ginis KA, Latimer-Cheung AE. Examining physical activity trajectories for people with spinal cord injury. Health Psychology. 2012;31(6):728-732. doi:10.1037/a0027795.supp (Supplemental)
  • Sweet SN, Martin Ginis KA, Tomasone JR. Investigating intermediary variables in the physical activity and quality of life relationship in persons with spinal cord injury. Health Psychology. 2013;32(8):877-885. doi:10.1037/a0032383.
  • Stapleton JN, Martin Ginis KA. Sex differences in theory-based predictors of leisure time physical activity in a population-based sample of adults with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014;95(9):1787-1790. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2014.03.021

Physical activity promotion

  • Ginis KAM, Tomasone JR, Latimer-Cheung AE, Arbour-Nicitopoulos KP, Bassett-Gunter RL, Wolfe DL. Developing physical activity interventions for adults with spinal cord injury Part 1: A comparison of social cognitions across actors, intenders, and nonintenders. Rehabilitation Psychology. 2013;58(3):299-306. doi:10.1037/a0032815.
  • Latimer-Cheung AE, Arbour-Nicitopoulos KP, Brawley LR, et al. Developing physical activity interventions for adults with spinal cord injury Part 2: Motivational counseling and peer-mediated interventions for people intending to be active. Rehabilitation Psychology. 2013;58(3):307-315. doi:10.1037/a0032816.
  • Brawley LR, Arbour-Nicitopoulos KP, Martin Ginis KA. Developing physical activity interventions for adults with spinal cord injury Part 3: A pilot feasibility study of an intervention to increase self-managed physical activity. Rehabilitation Psychology. 2013;58(3):316-321. doi:10.1037/a0032814.supp (Supplemental).

Knowledge mobilization, partnerships and resources

  • Jetha A, Faulkner G, Gorczynski P, Arbour-Nicitopoulos K, Martin Ginis KA. Physical activity and individuals with spinal cord injury: Accuracy and quality of information on the Internet. Disabil Health J. 2011;4(2):112-120. doi:10.1016/j.dhjo.2010.07.001
  • Melissa Richard-Greenblatt, Kathleen A. Martin Ginis, Ben Leber & David Ditor (2012) Knowledge mobilization regarding activity and exercise after spinal cord injury: a Canadian undergraduate curriculum scan, Disability and Rehabilitation, 34:17, 1456-1460, DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2011.644025
  • Ginis KAM, Latimer-Cheung A, Corkum S, et al. A case study of a community-university multidisciplinary partnership approach to increasing physical activity participation among people with spinal cord injury. Transl Behav Med. 2012;2(4):516-522. doi:10.1007/s13142-012-0157-0
  • Gainforth HL, Latimer-Cheung AE, Athanasapoulosb P, Martin Ginis KA. Examining the effectiveness of a knowledge mobilization initiative for disseminating the physical activity guidelines for people with spinal cord injury. Disabil Health J. 2013;6(3):260-265. doi:10.1016/j.dhjo.2013.01.012

Healthcare professionals

  • Shirazipour C, Tomasone J & Martin Ginis KA (2018) Enhancing health care professionals’ and trainees’ knowledge of physical activity guidelines for adults with and without SCI. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, DOI: 10.1080/10790268.2017.1414348

Physical activity measurement

  • Ma J, McCracken L, Voss C, Chan FH, West C, Martin Ginis K (2018) Physical activity measurement in people with spinal cord injury: comparison of accelerometry and self-report (the Physical Activity Recall Assessment for People with Spinal Cord Injury), Disability and Rehabilitation, doi: 10.1080/09638288.2018.1494213

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